Tuesday, February 18, 2020

2020 Elementary All-County Honor Chorus Concert

On Friday, February 14th, 2020 and Saturday, February 15th, 2020 the Forestville Road PTA sent four students to participate in Wake County's annual Elementary All-County Honor Chorus event.  The students had the opportunity to work with Dr. Emily Williams Burch, the clinician for the event.  Dr. Burch prepared students to give a stellar concert by teaching them many musical strategies and techniques that allowed students to achieve optimal performance results.  The works performed on the concert included "It Don't Mean a Thing" by Duke Ellington, "Dolphins" by Emma Lou Diemer, "Cuckoo" by Benjamin Britten, "Come Closer" by Daniel and Christine Kallman, "Abebe", a folk song from Papua New Guinea, and "Senwa Dedende" a Ghanaian children's song.  Below you can see pictures of students at the dress rehearsal and after the concert.